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Increasing muscle size is a relatively slow process that requires successive periods of positive protein balance after sufficiently intense resistance training. Skeletal muscle is made of protein- stores of amino acids, (which are the molecular building blocks of protein), that act as reservoirs of energy and nitrogen that help us survive periods of disease, starvation and injury. Skeletal muscle accounts for over 40% of our body’s total protein stores and these proteins are constantly in a state of flux, being synthesized (made) and degraded (broken down) in an ongoing state of turnover, deca durabolin 4 semanas. In the case of resistance training, if your muscles are subjected to an exercise stimulus of sufficient and unaccustomed intensity, (with a significant degree of eccentric activity), some of the proteins in the muscles used are broken down and there is an increase in protein synthesis for 24 to 48 hours after the training session.


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